Australian Police Clearances for Migration – Step by Step Guide

“Applying for an Australian Federal Police Clearance (AFP) for your application should be quick and easy with this step by step guide.”

Before you apply, consider:

Are you sure you need to?

Not every visa application requires a police clearance e.g. student visa. But, if you have a criminal history then it will make for a quicker application if you apply for one anyway

Is it too soon?

Police clearances are only valid in the eyes of the Department for one year after they are issued. So, if your visa application has an average processing time of more than 12 months, consider that you may wish to lodge the application without a police clearance but if you don’t supply the Department with it soon enough, your visa decision might be delayed


Still want to go ahead and apply:

The keys to a successful application is:

  • Correct spelling of your names
  • Correct spelling and declaration of any previous names
  • Clear scans of 100+ points of ID uploaded.


Before you begin, get 100 points of ID ready in either pdf or jpg form (you can take a picture of the documents on your phone if you can get a clear enough shot) examples include:


Once you have your documents ready, head to to begin your application.

1. When typing your name make sure to enter it exactly as it appears in your passport e.g. is your name all one name or separated into first and last name?

If it is separated into first and last name type:


If it is all one name:

2. If you are using this police check for an Australian visa application select Commonwealth Employment / Purpose where it asks for Purpose Type and where it asks for Purpose of Check select 33 – Immigration/ Citizenship

3. Complete the application consent and proceed with uploading your documents.

If you are having issues uploading files check:

  • Are the files .pdf .tif or .jpg format?
  • Have you selected ‘Upload Files’ and checked the files have saved (should go green)
  • Have you checked the box ‘I have uploaded XXX points of identification documents and have verified that these are the correct documents.
  • Once all of the above is completed correctly you should be able to select ‘Next’

4. Adding other names previously or currently known by:

Once you have uploaded your identity documents section 5.1 allows you to start entering your full details. At the bottom it asks ‘Have you ever been known by any other name (eg. different given/middle names, maiden name, previous married name etc)?

To enter a previous name, select ‘YES’ at the question and a window will appear.

5. Other names 5.2:

Please note, when entering your previously known by names, enter the name in full. If you name is currently John SMITH but was previously John JAMES ensure that you enter the full name you were previously known by (not just the change in last name) eg.

6. When it prompts you for your mailing address at 6.2 please note that this will be the address that they send your police check to so make sure that you can access your mail at this address.

7. Payment for the certificate must be made before the application will be processed.

8. Wait for your clearance to arrive in the mail – the amount of time it takes depends on how many people there are with the same name as you (amongst other things). If it hasn’t arrived in a few weeks you can call the AFP, quote your reference number and see if something has gone wrong.

9. Once you receive your application in the mail. Please scan and email a copy to us which we can provide to the department.