Month: September 2017

Elegibilidad para asistencia médica en tierra (onshore). Visa de padres 804 (parent visa) Solicitantes de visas temporales (bridging Visa)

Normalmente, si usted está en Australia y ha realizado una solicitud de visa permanente, puede acceder al sistema de salud “gratuito” de Australia, Medicare. Desafortunadamente, como en la mayoría de los casos hay excepciones para cada regla.De acuerdo con la Ley de Seguro de Salud de 1973, los solicitantes de residencia permanente bajo una visa […]

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Elegibilidad para asistencia médica. Para solicitantes de visas temporales 835 y 836. (Bridging Visa)(Visas pendientes, parentesco y de cuidadores)

Medicare, el sistema de salud “gratuito”de Australia, es uno de los aspectos que hace a Australia una opción migratoria muy atractiva. Tener una tarjeta de Medicare permite el acceso a una gama de servicios médicos, recetas de bajo costo y atención gratuita como paciente en un hospital público. La buena noticia es que, incluso si […]

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Visas For Ministers Of Religion – Case Study

In Australia, the only legitimate sponsorship visa for a ‘Minister of Religion’ is via a Labour Agreement. This agreement allows Australian religious organisations to sponsor the temporary and often eventually permanent entry of overseas skilled workers. There is also a temporary visa that has a specific Minister of Religion Stream which is a lot easier for religious organisations to access than the labour agreement.

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Invitations For Pro Rata Occupations

  Each year, Australia’s Minister for Immigration sets a limit on the number of skilled migrants allowed per year for each occupation category. This quota is called an ‘occupation ceiling’. Some of the more popular occupations reach the ceiling before the end of the financial year (1 July – 30 June) and then no further […]

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  • BlogChinese
  • by Condor Migration
  • on08/09/2017


澳洲競爭力委員會在2016年9月12日發表了一份有關移民政策的研究報告﹐當中包括僱主擔保﹐父母簽證﹐及其他簽證整體對澳洲的效益和負擔等等。當時沒有引起很廣泛的討論﹐但是其中很多的建議都被政府所採納﹐并成為今年4月18日公佈的457/186簽證改革的一部份﹐包括提高英語能力要求﹐加強本土勞動市場測試等等。 報告當中亦有提及父母永久簽證, 重點包括: 數據顯示父母永久簽證大大加重澳洲醫療負擔﹐而現時大約5萬澳元左右的申請費遠遠不足以補償政府相關開支; 父母簽證持有人的開支大部份由澳洲政府及納稅人支付﹐但效益則多數只由簽證持有人及其家庭享有; 父母簽證持有人對澳洲經濟貢獻比較低。 今年初澳洲政府公佈的3/5年期父母旅遊簽證正是該報告內所提出的一個建議。其他建議在今年或明年亦隨時會被接納成移民政策﹐包括: 大幅提高現時每人5萬澳元的申請費。報告建議最少增加一倍至每人10萬澳元; 縮減每年貢獻類父母簽證(Contributory parent visa)的配額﹐直接降低相關政府支出﹐但亦會延長等待時間。現時等待時間為3年﹐已經比起2015年的水平增加1年。 坊間亦有傳言將來父母簽證申請人亦需要提供基本英語能力証明﹐改善他們來到澳洲後適應及融入澳洲社會的能力。 該報告亦有建議澳洲政府廢除投資移民簽證(188C 及 188D)。 我們預期澳洲政府在接下來將會按建議改革父母簽證﹐假如您有打算為父母辦理這個簽證的話﹐我們建議您盡快計劃及遞交申請!

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Engineers Australia Soon To Accept PTE

    From the 1st of November 2017, Engineers Australia will be accepting the Pearson’s Test of English (PTE) (Academic) for Migration Skills Assessment as well as for Membership assessment purposes. Applicants submitting their application after the 1st of November will be able to use either the IELTS, the TOEFL iBT or the PTE (Academic) […]

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Health Care Eligibility For 835 And 836 Visa Applicants On A Bridging Visa (Remaining Relative And Carer Visa)

  Medicare, Australia’s ‘free’ health care system, is just one of the things that makes Australia such an attractive migration option. Having a Medicare card allows access to a range of medical services, low-cost prescriptions and free care as a patient in a public hospital. The good news is, even if you are not yet […]

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