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Lying on a Visa Application – The Detrimental Consequences Even After Grant

This post reflects the legal landscape as of the date of publication. Laws may have changed since then. Please consult a legal professional for current information and personalised advice. Your visa has finally been granted. Or better yet, you have finally gained Australian citizenship. This, however, does not mean that the days of liaising with […]

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Las mentiras blancas (o peor) y por qué no valen la pena

This post reflects the legal landscape as of the date of publication. Laws may have changed since then. Please consult a legal professional for current information and personalised advice. Puede ser frustrante para usted saber que está calificado para una profesión pero que todavía debe proporcionar evidencia de esto al Departamento. Usted puede convencerse a […]

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4 puntos para convencer a su jefe que lo patrocine

This post reflects the legal landscape as of the date of publication. Laws may have changed since then. Please consult a legal professional for current information and personalised advice. 1.- Retención de personal Algunas personas cambian de trabajo constantemente, en busca de más dinero o capacitaciones y dejan su empleo tan pronto como se les […]

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¿Su visa australiana ha expirado?

This post reflects the legal landscape as of the date of publication. Laws may have changed since then. Please consult a legal professional for current information and personalised advice. Recientemente, el Departamento ha estado promocionado al Community Status Resolution Service (CSRS) del Departamento de Inmigración y Protección de Fronteras. Este es un servicio gratuito en […]

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Autorizaciones de la policía australiana para la migración – Una guía paso a paso

This post reflects the legal landscape as of the date of publication. Laws may have changed since then. Please consult a legal professional for current information and personalised advice. Solicitar una autorización de la Policía Federal Australiana (AFP) para solicitar su visa debe ser un proceso rápido y sencillo con esta guía paso a paso. […]

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