Family Visas

Partner Visas 

It can feel strange having to prove your relationship to the Department but unfortunately there is no way around this. These visas (onshore, offshore, finance/ prospective marriage visa) have a really long waiting time so some people reduce their stress levels by appointing an agent who will be on the other side of the phone every time they need assurance. There is a trend where well lodged applications are fast tracked. We tell our clients we often get grants in 8 months but can’t guarantee this time frame.

Child Visas 

Child visas for those over the age of 18 are possible but require meticulous attention from a migration agent. There are age limits for most applicants so, if you have Aus PR or citizenship, and have a child that doesn’t, do not delay in getting your case assessed.


Contributory parent visas cost ~$50,000 per person. You are able to spread the cost over two applications if need be. If the parents are over 63 years old we may have a cheaper option. Contact us to see if it could fit your circumstances.

Remaining Relative

We do not assist with offshore remaining relative applications. The waiting list is far too long for anyone to get their hopes up. There is an onshore option we can talk to you about.

Carer Visa

This visa sounds a lot less complicated than it is. This should be a last resort. You should have limited family in Australia for this to be an appropriate visa for you. In the right circumstances we can help but if you talk to an agent that makes it sound easy please be careful.